Thursday, 11 October 2018

ANDRAX - The First And Unique Penetration Testing Platform For Android Smartphones

ANDRAX - The First And Unique Penetration Testing Platform For Android Smartphones

Don't be evil but be a CRACKER!

What is ANDRAX ?

ANDRAX is a penetration testing platform developed specifically for Android smartphones, ANDRAX has the ability to run natively on Android so it behaves like a common Linux distribution, But more powerful than a common distribution!

Why is Android so Powerful ?

Simple, everyone has a smartphone and spends all the time with it! We have the possibility to camouflage easily in the middle of everyone, the processor architecture of most Android smartphones is ARM a modern and robust architecture extremely superior to the rest, With touch screens we can run the tools with great agility and take advantage of the graphical interface of Android, we can get in almost anywhere with our smartphones...

Tools List : 

Information Gathering : Whois, Bind DNS tools, Dnsrecon, Raccoon, DNS-Cracker, Firewalk. 

Scanning : Nmap - Network Mapper, Masscan, SSLScan, Amap. 

Packet Crafting : Hping3, Nping, Scapy, Hexinject, Ncat, Socat. 

Network Hacking : ARPSpoof, Bettercap, MITMProxy, EvilGINX2. 

WebSite Hacking : 0d1n, Wapiti3, Recon-NG, PHPSploit, Photon, XSSer, Commix, SQLMap, Payloadmask, AbernathY-XSS. 

Password Hacking : Hydra, Ncrack, John The Ripper, CRUNCH. 

Wireless Hacking : VMP Evil AP, Aircrack-NG Tools, Cowpatty, MDK3, Reaver. 

Exploitation : MetaSploit Framework, RouterSploit Framework, Getsploit, OWASP ZSC, Rop-TOOL.

Features :

Advanced Terminal : Advanced and Professional terminal emulator for Hacking!

Dynamic Categories Overlay (DCO) : Beautiful tools category system 

Advanced IDE : Complete support for many programming languages

Information Gathering : Tools for initial informations about the target

Scanning : Tools for second stage: Scanning

Packet Crafting : Tools to craft network packets

Network Hacking : Tools for network hacking

WebSite Hacking : Tools for WebSite and WebApps Hacking

Password Hacking : Tools to break passwords

Wireless Hacking : Tools for Wireless Hacking

Exploitation : Tools for Dev and launch exploits

How to Install ? :

ANDRAX installation is very simple but you need some special features on your device..

ROOT with SuperSU : If your root manager is not the supersu errors can occur.

4.0GB of free memory : This is the amount of comfortable memory to make good use of ANDRAX

Unlocked Kernel : If you have a SAMSUNG device it probably has limitations in the Kernel which can prevent ANDRAX from working normally. If this is your case you need to recompile the Kernel or use a rom like LineageOS.

Android 5.0 or higher : ANDRAX is portable to almost all Android devices using Android 5.0 or higher.

ANDRAX has an automatic installer that downloads and configures the entire environment, Download interface on the downloads page, Install the interface.

The first thing that should appear when opening ANDRAX is the root access request, You need to grant permissions! Then one of the 2 screens below should be displayed.
ANDRAX install core

If you do not have a busybox installed ANDRAX will install the official busybox for you.
ANDRAX Busybox install
If you already have a busybox installed ANDRAX will install the official
After the busybox is installed and configured the message below will appear.
ANDRAX download
Clicking "OK" ANDRAX will begin to download the core, when the download is finished ANDRAX will automatically install the entire core
ANDRAX download core

This process may take a few minutes! wait ANDRAX reboot and everything will be set up..

ANDRAX use many SU commands, it can create many supersu alerts, you may want disable supersu alerts to get better experience with ANDRAX

Manual Installation :

If the automatic installation process fails for some reason you can manually install the core.

Just select "Manual Install" in the top menu and a window of your browser will open and begin downloading the package .tar.xz

The command to unpack the core is : busybox tar -xvJf andrax.r1.tar.xz -C /data/data/com.thecrackertechnology.andrax/ANDRAX/

Then open the ANDRAX interface (close and open again if it was already open).

ANDRAX must now be installed and configured, you just have to take advantage of it..

For More Information Visit Official Site.

To get a complete support join ANDRAX Forum :

Download : ANDRAX.apk 

Video Tutorial : Soon

That's It !!!

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Download H4CK3R The Book (An Ethical Hacking ebook For Beginners) : 


Happy Hacking !!!

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